
Numpywren: Serverless Linear Algebra

Run linear algebra at scale using a serverless execution framework

DeepLoco: Fast 3D Localization Microscopy Using Neural Networks

Structured prediction for inverse problems

PyWren: Real-time Elastic Execution

Run your code on thousands of cores with minimal overhead

Machine learning for Heliophysics

Using machine learning to predict solar events

The Neurophysiology of Classical Computation

Or, ‘Could a neuroscientist understand a microprocessor?’

Phase-space imaging to see through scattering media

How can we exploit novel physics and computational algorithms to see through scattering media like fog and biological tissue?

Connectomics Analysis

How do we reverse-engineer the schematic of the brain? And how do we make sense of that data?

Stochastic Circuits

My Ph.D. thesis work, builting probabilistic computing architecture to make computers work more like brains.


(2018). Numpywren: Serverless Linear Algebra. arXiv preprint.

Preprint PDF Project

(2018). DeepLoco: Fast 3D Localization Microscopy Using Neural Networks. BioRxiv preprint.

Preprint PDF

(2018). Flare prediction using photospheric and coronal image data. Solar Physics.

PDF Project Publication

(2017). Occupy the Cloud: Distributed Computing for the 99%. Proceedings of the Eighth ACM Symposium on Cloud Computing.

PDF Project Publication

(2017). Could a Neuroscientist understand a Microprocessor?. PLOS Computational Biology.

PDF Project Publication Website

(2016). Crosscat: A fully bayesian nonparametric method for analyzing heterogeneous, high dimensional data. The Journal of Machine Learning Research.

PDF Publication

(2016). Towards Machine Learning on the Automata Processor. International Conference on High Performance Computing.

PDF Publication

(2015). 3D imaging in volumetric scattering media using phase-space measurements. Optics Express.

PDF Project Publication

(2015). Fast algorithm for 3D localization through scattering media: forward model and physics. Computational Optical Sensing and Imaging.


(2014). Scaling Nonparametric Bayesian Inference via Subsample-Annealing. Proceedings of the Seventeenth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (2014).

PDF Publication

(2009). Cross-Categorization: A Method for Discovering Multiple Overlapping Clusterings. NIPS Workshop of Nonparametric Bayesian Statistics.


(2009). Exact and Approximate Sampling by Systematic Stochastic Search. Proceedings of the Seventeenth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (2009).

PDF Publication

(2008). Stochastic Digital Circuits for Probabilistic Inference. Technical Report 2008-069.

PDF Project